Last blog added on Monday, January 13th, 2025

Submit Your Site

Want us to include your blog on We have just a few criteria in our submission guidelines. Please review them before submitting your site.

  1. The blog should have posts for the past 3 consecutive months. That is, if your first post is written January 15th, please do not submit your blog until April 15th. Ideally, there should be at least one or two posts per month.
  2. Blog authors should be Canadian and should be readily identifiable as a lawyer or other member of the legal community, and include contact information.
  3. Blogs should be blogs, not just law firm newsletters! We like to see date stamps, archives, blogrolls, and post authorship; sites that lack many of these things may not be accepted.
  4. The blog doesn’t have to be 100% law-related all the time, or dedicated to Canadian legal topics, but should offer value and be of interest to the legal community.

If your blog fits the bill, please submit it below. Accepted blogs will receive a confirmation email within 4-5 business days.

As creators and hosts of this directory, Stem Legal exercises editorial discretion and can’t guarantee that all submitted sites will be accepted.  And of course, we promptly honour requests from authors to remove their blogs from our directory.

    Fields marked with * are required.

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